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Changelog 19 (05/22)

Demo Project

Check out our new demo project.

You can play around and see how the Highlight application works with a live project with plenty of data.

Look closely. You might be able to find your own sessions recorded on the demo project. That's right! We use Highlight ourselves, and we pipe all of our data to the demo project.

demo project

Comment UI Facelift

We've given the Comment UI a facelift.

  • It fits better with our design system.
  • We have a new draggable handle just below the session timeline.
  • New inline issue creation for connected issue trackers (GitHub, Linear, Height)

comment ui facelift

Winston.js Highlight Transport

Check out our new Winston.js Highlight Transporter!

You can log to Winston as per usual, and Highlight will capture your logs and display them on your Highlight application.

Canvas recording is getting even more powerful

We dug deep into our most complex Canvas implementation with multiple overlaying canvases on a single page.

We're snapshotting blob videos using Canvas and capturing frames from multiple canvases, regardless of overlays.

Option to only record session with errors

Highlight users with an enormous number of sessions may not want to record all of them.

You can now opt into error-only recording. If the session throws an error, we'll record it. If not, that session never hits your Dashboard.

exclude sessions without errors