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Trace Search

Trace search allows you to filter on spans of traces in your product based on a query, and allows you to see more information on an overarching trace by clicking into a span. You can filter spans using a search query For example, you can get to all spans of traces produced in the last 15 minutes from a private-graph service by selecting "Last 15 minutes" from the time picker and entering the following query:

Searching for Traces

For general information on searching traces, check out our Search docs.

Default Key

The default key for trace search is span_name. If you enter an expression without a key (gorm.Query) it will be used as the key for the expression (span_name=*gorm.Query*).

Searchable Attributes

You can search on any attributes that you send in your traces as well as any of the default attributes assigned to a trace. Our SDKs will also link sessions,errors, and logs to their respective traces.

The autoinjected attributes for traces can be seen in the table below.

durationTime length of the span in nanoseconds10s
environmentThe environment specified in the SDKproduction
has_errorsIf the span has an error tied to its idtrue
highlight.typeMore specific source of the spanhttp.request
parent_span_idSpan id of the span's parent327611203ec5b0a1
secure_session_idSession id that contains this spanwh1jcuN5F9G6Ra5CKeCjdIk6Rbyd
service_nameName of the service specified in the SDKprivate-graph
service_versionVersion of the service specified in the SDKe1845285cb360410aee05c61dd0cc57f85afe6da
span_kindBroad source of the spanServer
span_nameTitle of the spanPOST
trace_idTrace id of the spans7654ff38c4631d5a51b26f7e637eea3c

You can view a full list of the available attributes to filter on by starting to type in the search box. As you type you'll get suggestions for keys to filter on.

Helpful Tips

To see all the spans of a specific trace, you can filter by trace_id to get a table view of the spans. You can also click into the span to get more information, including a flame graph of the trace with all its spans.

Use secure_session_id EXISTS to only see spans that are tied to a session.

Use time suffixes, such as s, ms and us to help filter out for span durations. For example, use duration>1s to find all spans that were longer than 1 second.